Hartleigh Estate Wetlands Timelapse
Hansen Partnership was engaged by the developers, National Pacific Properties, to deliver landscape architectural design, documentation and administration for the 19 stage…
Join us in celebrating Craig Czarny as he steps into his new role as Principal at Hansen.
As founding Director of Hansen Design over 22 years ago, we wish to share that from 1 July 2024 Craig Czarny will be transitioning from his leadership duties as Urban Design Director to that of Principal where he will usher in the next generation of industry leaders, Gerhana Waty and Alastair Campbell (both practice Directors of Urban Design). Craig will continue to service our local and international clients and build capacity within and beyond the practice across a range of design, development, and advisory projects.
“I have immense pride and gratitude in the growth of Hansen Design over the decades, now with a vast project catalogue and global influence. Many thanks and deep respect to current and former Hansen Partners for enabling this wonderful journey.” – Craig Czarny