Long Thanh, International Aerotropolis Master Plan, Vietnam

In 2007, the Vietnam Institute for Architecture Urban and Rural Planning (VIAP) and Hansen Partnership were engaged by the Dong Nai People’s Committee to prepare a master plan for 21,000 hectares of land surrounding the proposed Long Thanh International Airport (LTIA). The proposed LTIA will service Ho Chi Minh City and its surrounding region with the potential to become the dominant regional transport hub, aiding the entire Indochina region and surrounding ASEAN countries. The airport is currently being promoted as ‘Vietnam’s Global Gateway City’.

The provincial government of Dong Nai recognised that the airport will create opportunities and requirements for development beyond the core airport area. This area has been identified by the VIAP and Hansen as the Long Thanh Aerotropolis. The plan and allocated background research with international best practice led to preparation of an aerotropolis spatial plan.

This spatial plan comprises both an international city centre with a global logistics and industry hub arranged around existing settlement areas and environmentally friendly features. In accordance with Dong Nai’s rapid projected population growth, the plan also has the capacity to realise a future population of 160,000 people.